This is a great thriller. You’ll be introduced to a secret world where you just might start wondering if that stranger sitting next to you on your next plane ride is who he seems to be.
Ghostman is a moniker used by Jack, the main character in the book, for his ability to transform into another identity within minutes. In effect, to disappear from view, like a ghost. Jack can not only change indentity on paper, but he has mastered the ability to use makeup to change his appearance, and even to change his voice to mimic another person.
In this novel, Ghostman is also a master thief, and he uses his unique perspective as a tool to run down another thief, who has just pulled off a huge bank robbery. Jack is roped into the job by a former partner that he owes a favor to.
Along the way, we’re treated to a massive shootout during the bank robbery, Jack’s repartee with the FBI as they discover his role in the chase, Jack’s race to evade the killers that a drug overlord (The Wolf) has sent to make sure Jack never gets to the money, and a whole new vocabulary that will define the terms wheelman, scatter, jugmarker.
It’s fast paced, intricate, and just ingenious. I’m looking forward to more great work from this author.